Our Services

Jane & Kassidy offer a variety of customizable services, both in-person and online. Using their divine connection and personal experiences, they offer in-depth insight and growth paths for your forward journey. Passionate about The Highest Good, and obsessed with the Truth, Jane & Kassidy offer the gift of increased awareness, perspective, depth, Love and Peace to their searching clientele. Book your free 15-minute consultation to discover which services might benefit you most.
What our students say
“In my work so far in The Seed Of Life Course with Jane and Kassidy, I have noticed supreme growth not just in my understanding but also in my ability to utilize the information learned INTO my daily life. This has without a doubt been my fastest knowledge and application in any education thus far.
Each week, they carefully examine where you are and provide you with the tools necessary to go within and make lasting changes. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, I am confident The Seed of Life Course can take you beyond where you had desired to go as you realize the infinite potential within YOU.”
Hourly Services
$115/30 minutes
Consciousness Evaluation
Learn about your consciousness calibration in various categories. Use this targeted information to assist you on your growth path and integrating your shadow.
Energetic Clearing
Remove ALL negative attachments from your aura, mind, body, being, and chakra system. Once clear, discover the insight, knowing, and vision that comes to you.
Lemurian Healing
Turn the lights on with an in-depth healing. Leave Grounded, Connected, Cleared, Balanced, and Aligned with your path forward. Warning: great nights sleep had after this.
See Lemurian Healing Tab
Nutritional Counseling
Learn about your body and what you actually need to sustain your unique experience.
Couples Counseling
Joined in One with your partner, experience on a deeper level whom your other half is and learn more about who you are. Weather you are thriving or butting heads, a couples session will leave you with renewed insight and direction.
Angel Reading
Jane & Kassidy are Psychics, Angel Healers & Readers, Mediums, and Intuitives and overall high calibrating beings. Ask about career, relationships, the path forward; and learn what the Angels are trying to tell you. Use this information to guide you along your divine path.
Creative Emotional Wellness Rebalancing
Sometimes, we know when something is bothering us and we just cannot let it go. CEW allows us to find root emotions and triggers and remove them permanently. What's bothering you today?
Emotional Nutrition
Heal the emotion behind a recurring dis-ease. Release the root of this emotion, replace it with love, and end the cycle of your ailment.
Chakra Grounding & Clearing
Learn how to deeply ground your energy into the center of the Earth, and how to clear your Chakras of built up toxins and energies you've accumulated.
Color/Emotional Consultation
Discover the power of color and how introducing different colors into your life could heal you and assist in your overall quality of life. Color card reading included.